Interested in one of our design packages?
Contact us on one of the numbers below
OR send us an E-mail.
(+27) 082 309 1517
(+27) 082 691 2935
Does your business need a internet presense to grow? Are you looking for a webdesign company that will go the extra mile at no extra cost?
At Qubit Technologies we believe in the small business as much as the big coorporate companies. We believe in entrepreneurial effort and want to be the company that plays a part in helping you achieve your goals. Get in touch for us to se how we can be of service.
4-5 pages
1 Form
Up to 10 Photos
0 Videos
No Landing Page
Cost per hour R300
6-9 pages
2 Forms
Up to 15 Photos
1x mp4 video
Landing Page Included (If Needed)
Cost per hour R300
10-12 pages
3-5 Forms
Up to 25 Photos
2x mp4 videos
Landing Page Included
Cost per hour R300
13-15 pages
3-5 Forms
Up to 40 Photos
3x mp4 vidoes
Landing Page Included
Cost per hour R300
Multimedia Deisgns / E-commerce /
Large Websites more than 15 Pages
Capture multiple Data
As many as Required
As required by Client Specifications
Landing Page Included
Consulation required.
OR send us an E-mail.
(+27) 082 691 2935